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Scotty and Chaos's Minecraft Server

Started by Scotty, January 31, 2012, 11:57:04 PM

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Chaos and I are looking at creating a dedicated survival Minecraft server.  We may, or may not incorporate RP elements into the server to bring more role-based aspects to the game; We aren't entirely certain at this point.  I am hosting the server on a dedicated machine that will be up 24/7, and before we release to the general public to regurgitate whatever architectural mucus they deem fit for the server, we want to establish a good base line for users to begin on.  In order to accomplish this, we need workers (or as I prefer to call them, Scotty's bitches) to aid with design and construction.  So instead of doing this all with the help of 2-4 people, we want to get more involved to help speed along production.

With that in mind, I present to you:

Scotty's First Minecraft Construction Contest

This contest is to show off your architectural expertise in the game of Minecraft.  Think you are a master artist at combing blocks to form complex and beautiful designs?  Want to show off your capabilities and get community wide recognition for being the best of the best at constructing buildings?  This contest is for you.


  • Proven experience with designing beautiful structures, particularly houses
  • Demonstrates willingness to critique others work and provide constructive criticism while also accepting criticism from others
  • Can construct architectures that prevent enemy spawns from destroying yours or others works (creepers in particular)
  • Able to grind away at constructing multiple instances of the same structure dozens of times
  • Aesthetics, aesthetics, aesthetics
  • Wiring with redstone is a huge plus so long as it remains reasonable

We intend to begin construction before we go live, using Minecraft's "Creative Mode", meaning that you have no need to harvest materials.  Once the server goes live to the public, we will convert from creative mode to survival mode.  We will not transition between the two and go live before we feel confident that we have a solid grasp on the beginning civilizations(s).  If you feel as though you are a viable candidate that fits the above criteria, we want to hear from you.  We want to see what you can do, and most of all, we want you to impress us.  If you feel as though you are capable of leaving a lasting impression, please follow up to this post with your interest in taking part in the contest.  If you have any previous works you can show us (screenshots and video speak volumes, that is a huge plus).  I will be selecting a variable amount of contestants who show interest (4-5), and the contest will begin.

Once I've selected who I feel are the most viable candidates, I will whitelist you and provide further details on the contest.  As it stands right now, all entries for acceptance are asked to be submitted by Friday, February 3rd at midnight Eastern Standard Time.  At that time, I will choose the winners based off who I feel is the most eligible, and further details will be added to clarify deadlines, rules, construction codes, etc...

If you are interested, I want to hear from you.  What I need to know is your Minecraft user name (no pirated accounts), and any examples you may have to show off.  If you have expertise in areas (redstone, block matching, etc...), post that up as well.  You have until Midnight EST, Friday, Feb. 3rd to submit your entry.

I look forward to seeing what people have to offer!


Crap, why did everything I've ever built had to be on old multiplayer servers?

Gonna have to scrounge up some old pics, but I'll try my hand at making something new in singleplayer for the contest.
If you give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day.
If you light a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Cant wait to come on this server and see the buildings


Come on, guys! Am I seriously the only one here interested in participating in a community Minecraft project?

Well, I never found any pictures worthy of showing, so I tried my hand at making videos.

This first one is the house I threw together. I know it doesn't even begin to compare with some of igu's mansions, but I think it turned out alright for one of the few houses I've built. The outside turned out decently, but I can't furnish worth crap.

The second video is from my redstone test world. I just learned how to screen record a few hours ago, so there's no fancy editing or text in the video. I put everything in the description instead.
If you give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day.
If you light a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


well i would  but i dont build very well  :-\


I don't really build. I know a lot about Minecraft, fight very well, and give myself some challenges, but I don't build.


I'm always willing to help, but the choice on whether or not to accept me is always yours.
Here, remember that thing called Survival Island?
Me and Grim_Reaper played it recently, this is what happened.
I only took shots of the right hand side castle because it's mine, the other is Grim_Reapers.

Oh, and this whole thing was done legitimately, in one night. Only time I cheated was using spawn eggs for the mobs.


well i was deciding to build something anyway but when i woke up my computer BROKE DOWN  :(



i built a house i know there a bit small but you can click them to be bigger
By the way i created this with legit resources no cheats

