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trans-fat ban

Started by venuse, January 02, 2010, 08:29:06 PM

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Mr Pwnage

Quote from: Scotty on January 02, 2010, 10:22:12 PM
Quote from: Mr Pwnage on January 02, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
While we are at it, let's ban anal sex.

That's where I draw the line.  Well... Actually... Sodomy is already considered a huge no-no.  That's actually something that is in writing for the Marine Corps, that we could not partake in sodomy... Which I find funny that it would require it to be written down...
Because if it wasn't written down you would most likely be giving to somebody up the pooper right now...and the government can't punish you for it unless it was written down.

Also, just while we are on it...While I also hate the idea of sodomy, legislatively speaking, why would mutual sodomy be illegal? If it wasn't rape, just man and woman being all kinky and shit, why from a government standpoint would that not be allowed? (Especially because this is the United States government we are talking.)
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)


Quote from: Scotty on January 02, 2010, 11:44:25 PM
We are a world where we want happiness, at whatever cost.

To be fair isnt that every ones objective. I cant think of any action other than being complty random that is not in favor of your happiness at some point.

Quote from: Scotty on January 02, 2010, 11:44:25 PM
Quote from: Jackabomb on January 02, 2010, 11:41:40 PM
And why in God's name did we do that?
We are willing to cheat the system to get what we want.  We live our lives complaining about how we have it so bad, and thus tempted to do whatever necessary to get things our way.  We can't accept responsibility for our own actions, and it's everybody else's fault but ours..
I look at it as group of people who don't want a commen thing and action upon it to get rid of it. And i dont see anything wrong with that. I'M NOT SURE! im not sure how stat law works1 <_<

We got are religion topic, are ufo topic, and now are political topic. I wonder ware a smoking/alcohol/drug topic is going to be made. :P


i didnt know it was just for restaurants guess i miss read it , thought it was for everyone in that area. frankly im saddened of what Americans are and are becoming. they are becoming arrogant, ignorant, selfish idiots who are so narrow minded that they cant see beyond their own view points, im not saying everyone. this mentality is leading them into to self destruction and harming their own system of laws based on nothing more then fears and greed.  now it isnt the actual banning of trans fats that bothers me, it is the act of banning something in a country which is supposed to be about freedom but they are taking away freedoms, not just this particular topic but others as well. now if this was my country i would of probably put regulations on transfats or sodium, but then again that wouldnt be america. what truly worries me is about the future, they may just be banning trans fats, for restaurants at least, right now but what if that is just a stepping stone for something much greater in the future. as i see it right now i dont trust the way the government is directing things for our so called betterment but then again i dont trust human beings to begin with and i could just be paranoid. either way glad to hear all your opinions on this.

also i do live in america.


Hmm...Remind me never to join a forum full of cynicism again. America does need to make up its mind, though. If they want freedom, they ought to have it completely. If they want government control and regulation, do so, but you can't have both. If this doesn't change, we'll wind up like the people in Wally.


Quote from: venuse on January 03, 2010, 12:24:09 AM
i didnt know it was just for restaurants guess i miss read it , thought it was for everyone in that area. frankly im saddened of what Americans are and are becoming. they are becoming arrogant, ignorant, selfish idiots who are so narrow minded that they cant see beyond their own view points, im not saying everyone. this mentality is leading them into to self destruction and harming their own system of laws based on nothing more then fears and greed.  now it isnt the actual banning of trans fats that bothers me, it is the act of banning something in a country which is supposed to be about freedom but they are taking away freedoms, not just this particular topic but others as well. now if this was my country i would of probably put regulations on transfats or sodium, but then again that wouldnt be america. what truly worries me is about the future, they may just be banning trans fats, for restaurants at least, right now but what if that is just a stepping stone for something much greater in the future. as i see it right now i dont trust the way the government is directing things for our so called betterment but then again i dont trust human beings to begin with and i could just be paranoid. either way glad to hear all your opinions on this.

also i do live in america.

See, that's the thing.  We are free.  We are free to pursue that which makes us happy.  Now imagine yourself being fat, lazy, and don't want to work, but feel you are entitled to free money.  Now read it again.  You can never make everyone happy.  Not even close to everyone.  If banning trans-fat is the biggest of our current complaints (or at least up there in the list), I think we are doing perfectly normal.  If you ban trans-fat, you are going to anger the fatties.  If you enforce education, you are going to anger everyone who thinks they are fine without it.  I'm surprised we even have a legal system that isn't being hated by Americans.  We are free to pursue happiness.  My happiness was infringed upon when I had some fat lard decide he didn't want to work anymore, and would rather the government take tax-payers dollars to just fuel his lard-ness.  You see, we will never be able to pursue TRUE happiness.  It comes at a price.  Do I think banning trans-fat is going to solve the problem, no.  It won't last anyways.  We are still going to have people getting fat anyways.  What I'd rather we do, as bold as it seems, is set up welfare offices where everyone who wants welfare or social security can come and register at the office.  I can guarantee almost everyone of these individuals can perform some sort of work.  This work will be jobs that are best left for those who can't work elsewhere.  Answering phones, pushing buttons, monitoring cameras, etc.. etc..  They work there, they get their welfare.  That way, we don't have to employ over-qualified individuals for those positions, and have a chance at providing a better job for them.

I'll leave this post with one of the most relevant phrases I can think of:

"Freedom isn't free"
(nor should money be)


I realize we're getting into a whole load of discussion about freedoms and America, but I have to question one thing.  Is there anyone BOTHERED by the banning of trans-fats themselves?  Not the loss of freedoms or any bollocks like that, but actually LOSING trans-fats?  Yes, we have a lot of fatties in our country, but do they actually WANT to be fat?  Is this something they are striving for or something?
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Quote from: Chaos on January 03, 2010, 01:03:18 AM
I realize we're getting into a whole load of discussion about freedoms and America, but I have to question one thing.  Is there anyone BOTHERED by the banning of trans-fats themselves?  Not the loss of freedoms or any bollocks like that, but actually LOSING trans-fats?  Yes, we have a lot of fatties in our country, but do they actually WANT to be fat?  Is this something they are striving for or something?

I think everyone thus far isn't necessarily against trans-fat it, it's the thought that they are losing another "freedom" in life.  The thought that, if we start here, where will it end.  But I agree, I would like to hear if there is anyone who flat out wants trans-fat.  Not the freedom of choice, but wants trans-fat.

Mr Pwnage

You all realize that the trans fat doesn't taste any different than regular fat? It is just much cheaper to produce...and at the same time a lot less healthy. I'm pretty sure fat people aren't the pissed ones in this would be the store owners. Unless the fat people crave fats that will give them heart disease faster...
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)


This warrants a whole 'nother post by me, but I just had a "what the f are we arguing for" moment...

Seriously... trans-fat does nothing healthy for you... And you are sad to see it go!?  I would be ENTHRALLED to see trans-fat go... I could eat out without having to worry about getting as fat an ass...  There's nothing about it that's good.  At least with alcohol you get some sort of temporary fix that makes you feel good.  Hell, ban cigarettes too.  I'd be so relieved if you did, that way I actually have a legal reason to quit.

Seriously, what the hell are we arguing over right now?  The fact that we are kicking one of the main causes in obesity?  Do any of you want to be fatty fat fat fatties?  Seriously!?!

Eat me for double posting, it'll be healthier than that Big-Mac your fat mouth is watering over right now.
EDIT: or leave it to Pwnage for sneaking in his post before I hit submit...


frankly i could care less about the trans fats, although if they did ban it for consumption would it be possible to use trans fats as a type of fuel, or fuel additive?


Quote from: venuse on January 03, 2010, 01:48:37 AM
frankly i could care less about the trans fats, although if they did ban it for consumption would it be possible to use trans fats as a type of fuel, or fuel additive?

Now you're thinking!  Got patent it and make millions!


Quote from: Scotty on January 03, 2010, 01:57:36 AM
Quote from: venuse on January 03, 2010, 01:48:37 AM
frankly i could care less about the trans fats, although if they did ban it for consumption would it be possible to use trans fats as a type of fuel, or fuel additive?

Now you're thinking!  Got patent it and make millions!

Help the earth live longer and me! sure. I like the idea! :D


Quote from: Mr Pwnage on January 03, 2010, 01:17:19 AM
You all realize that the trans fat doesn't taste any different than regular fat? It is just much cheaper to produce...and at the same time a lot less healthy. I'm pretty sure fat people aren't the pissed ones in this would be the store owners. Unless the fat people crave fats that will give them heart disease faster...
Agreed. I think the average consumer is probably happy (or indifferent) about this law. I doubt any of them are angry about it. It would be the restaurant owners who stand to lose. Though, I'm sure there are plenty average consumers who are mad about this simply based on premise, as this thread has shown. In either case, I think it is hard to stand on premise when there is clearly a crisis at hand. Obesity is a major problem, and a lot of those people need help. They aren't taking the matter into their own hands, or even if they are, they still need assistance to solve the problem. If any average person can go to any restaurant and know that they will not be getting any trans-fat, it will make losing weight that much easier to do. Anything will help, and restaurant owners losing out a bit of cash will be a small price to pay.