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Hows SO V. 3

Started by Forum, September 06, 2012, 10:29:05 PM

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How is SO version 3 going? Its been almost eternity and its been 5-6 years since the close of origional SO. I feel we as the community should be given updates every now and again, now i know Meiun your busy but i don't know who is helping with the game (the team), ect.  Hopefully we can be given at the very least a tiny bit of news on how the game is going and that this can bring some people still excited about the game some joy . Thank you :D
Officially quitted


Quote from: Forum on September 06, 2012, 10:29:05 PM
Hey Meiun, I was hoping you'd be generous enough to spare an update on progress for us. Its been quite a while since we've heard from you and it's been years more since development of the original SO stopped and development of the new SO began.  I don't mean to start a flame war, and I definitely don't want to give the impression that we're entitled to more frequent updates on progress, since I really don't know the quantity of effort going into the game.  Hopefully there's progress, but if not, that's cool too; we'd just like to hear from ya.  Thank you :D

Quoted and edited as a suggestion to prevent getting attacked for wording.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious as well, but due to the rather... entitling tone your post carried, you need to consider taking a more careful approach in order to avoid any backlash.

Also, because I know there's gonna be someone, consider my response the one and only "flaming" this needs, don't even bother polluting this topic any further.

Wow, did that just come out of my fingers?  I'm getting old...

stick d00d

Even a post from Meiun saying "Things are going great" is reassuring. Although I'm sure everything is going smoothly, it's just nice to hear from the creator once in a while.


i agree with stick dood and scottys edit, even if the news is no news ide still like to hear about it from time to time.


Meiun is in the same boat as Valve; he's afraid of releasing anything with the number 3 in the title :>.

I kid, obviously. And to be honest, I don't mind if we get a word about progress or not. We know it's being worked on, after all. We waited this long, as they say.


I'm still excited as well, so any news is good news for me. :)

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Things are going well, just reasonably slow. I'm still just as enthused and motivated as ever about V3, and still highly satisfied with how its turning out. But, I've been under a lot of stress at work for quite some time, which often makes it difficult to come home and jump right back into more mentally strenuous activities for the day when my brain is already thoroughly fried. Though, coding SO is always infinitely more enjoyable and rewarding for me :) I will talk to the other team members and perhaps give a tiny little peak at something sometime soon (don't hold me to it though!).

I really hate disappointing people by repeating the same stuff over and over, but I just need to continue doing things at my own pace to avoid stress overload. There isn't the slightest chance in hell I could ever even dream of abandoning SO :P It is far too important to me. But it still may (or may not, who knows) end up taking a while. Sometimes I will go long stretches without getting anything done, and other times I'll make a massive leap forward in a few days which then triggers me to go on a coding rampage. I'm hoping that once I finally get over the fact that I don't have month long vacations anymore (since I am out of school and into the working world), I will start to eventually have more of the those "rampages" again.


Quote from: Meiun on September 07, 2012, 10:00:42 PM
Things are going well, just reasonably slow. I'm still just as enthused and motivated as ever about V3, and still highly satisfied with how its turning out. But, I've been under a lot of stress at work for quite some time, which often makes it difficult to come home and jump right back into more mentally strenuous activities for the day when my brain is already thoroughly fried. Though, coding SO is always infinitely more enjoyable and rewarding for me :) I will talk to the other team members and perhaps give a tiny little peak at something sometime soon (don't hold me to it though!).

I really hate disappointing people by repeating the same stuff over and over, but I just need to continue doing things at my own pace to avoid stress overload. There isn't the slightest chance in hell I could ever even dream of abandoning SO :P It is far too important to me. But it still may (or may not, who knows) end up taking a while. Sometimes I will go long stretches without getting anything done, and other times I'll make a massive leap forward in a few days which then triggers me to go on a coding rampage. I'm hoping that once I finally get over the fact that I don't have month long vacations anymore (since I am out of school and into the working world), I will start to eventually have more of the those "rampages" again.
Thank you for replying to us Meiun. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well, and I'm sure we all appreciate you taking the time to tell us this. :)


In your defense Meiun, I know exactly (to the letter "T") what you are talking about.  Since I've advanced from web development as a hobby, to web development as a semi-job goal, to a flat out full time job, my motivation to do it outside of a 8-10 hour day is about null.  I still get spurts, and oddly enough, it seems like they come in the strangest of times.  Good example: I work my butt off at the office, and see tremendous amounts of progress in one 10-12 hour day, I'll find myself coming home, and continuing doing web development side-projects, but on stressful days where nothing goes according to plan, or I feel overwhelmed (which is more than the productive days in quantity), I come home and want to sit around doing nothing.  I fully understand what you're saying.

More so, I appreciate the update!  Keep up the good work, and if you need anything, let me know.

stick d00d

Quote from: Meiun on September 07, 2012, 10:00:42 PM
Things are going well, just reasonably slow. I'm still just as enthused and motivated as ever about V3, and still highly satisfied with how its turning out. But, I've been under a lot of stress at work for quite some time, which often makes it difficult to come home and jump right back into more mentally strenuous activities for the day when my brain is already thoroughly fried. Though, coding SO is always infinitely more enjoyable and rewarding for me :) I will talk to the other team members and perhaps give a tiny little peak at something sometime soon (don't hold me to it though!).

I really hate disappointing people by repeating the same stuff over and over, but I just need to continue doing things at my own pace to avoid stress overload. There isn't the slightest chance in hell I could ever even dream of abandoning SO :P It is far too important to me. But it still may (or may not, who knows) end up taking a while. Sometimes I will go long stretches without getting anything done, and other times I'll make a massive leap forward in a few days which then triggers me to go on a coding rampage. I'm hoping that once I finally get over the fact that I don't have month long vacations anymore (since I am out of school and into the working world), I will start to eventually have more of the those "rampages" again.
Real life should always come first. Take your time, don't stress yourself too much, we can all wait :P Good to hear from you.


Ya dude i'm soo pumped. Can't wait for SO 3 but I hope you atleast take the time to upload a halloween event and christmas event for So 2.