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Times you've been angry/made others angry

Started by Yankyal, November 28, 2010, 05:19:13 AM

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-Someone tore my friends book up in the locker room. He was raging about it, and the next day the same guy tried to do it and I caught him. I punched him in the ear(shit hurts yo) and he fell down and started crying. Got in no trouble for it. We were in 6th grade by the way.

-Some short kid with a napoleon complex challenged me to bloody knuckles. I moved my fist back because I am a bad person, he hit his fist on the bus wall(we were on the bus to school), he got all mad and punched me. I didn't do anything because it was clear he was mad and I was satisfied with saying "are you mad?" and sitting down.

-Evolution was being taught in biology. Someone went on a rant about how it's the devil and makes no sense, I asked him what questions he had, and he tried to go all Ray Comfort on me. He even used the banana thing where he says bananas were made by God to fit our hands. Unfortunately for him I watch thunderf00t and informed him of his mistakes. He got all heated up so the teacher told us both to shut up and gave me detention.

-Debate in US government over whether government programs should give aid to pregnant teens. Not even going to go into detail with this, but basically some girl thought all pregnant teens were instantly and automatically whores deserving of death. Was not cool man.

I regret all of these because I became a pacifist and generally avoid arguments.

P.S don't argue in this thread, it is where we talk about things we have done to anger ourselves or others. I find this stuff very interesting.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


-Basically every time I read one of Yankyal's posts I walk outside, and kick the first guy I see in the dick.
-The only time I've ever been in a spr srs bsns angry fight was in 7th grade, and I frankly can't remember why... I beat the crap outa a kid in my Math class and threw him over a railing into some bushes, then walked away all nonchalant. Feels good man. Nothing else really stands out in memory, I try to avoid pissing contests with people.


In 6th grade this guy all mad because i made a parody of his parody of the computer teacher. (if you want to see it pm me) So at school like every day we would try to fight each other like run around desks and slap each other lol. Till one day there were water balloons outside (idk why) and threw a couple at him and he got extremely wet and owned. I then got a detention and we never fought again o.o.

I also did fight during winter against the kid in front of the school where no teachers were there actually. And my technique to beating him was shoving snow in his face. I got out with i think no injuries but he had like a bloody lip. :D
Officially quitted


Only fight I've ever been in was in grade 4. Some kid in grade 7 decided to attempt to beat me up out of anger towards me but it back fired on him and I ended up getting a detention because his noise broke when I made him hit the ground. I never understood why I made him angry though.

ps. Parents told me to skip the detention cause it was in self defense. Then when I got in trouble for skipping it my parents went and yelled at the school principal and what not. It was awesome.

Mr Pwnage

Well as far as physical fights go...I have been in 7 that I can recall...and I think in at least 2 people bled, and it was fairly serious. I however, only was seriously injured in 1 confrontation that I don't want to go into. But probably my most memorable fight...

I was playing backyard football next to this trail with my younger brother and a couple of his younger friends. I was basically supervising the whole event with one other friend my age. Anyways, these 2 kids who were just looking to cause trouble were walking on the trail with air soft pistols and started shooting them at us. My brothers friend got hit in the face by one of I kind of flipped. I picked up a rock and chucked it at one of their heads and ran at him. He actually went down after I threw the rock at his head, because I literally pegged the !@#$ing thing directly at him. I than chased down his friend, who was probably only slightly bigger than me. Threw him down to the ground and kicked the shit out of him...and my favorite part that I will never forget, stomped right onto his balls and he squealed the most sorry noise I'd ever heard. My friend right next to me had punched the other kid numerous times in the stomach and picked up both of their air soft guns and chucked em into the creek. Shortly after we went up to go tell my parents what had just happened, but by the time they came outside the 2 kids already had ran away. We never saw those 2 kids again though...and this was 3 years ago.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)



Well if were going to talk about fights il make mine short and simple
I was playing volleyball last thursday with my best friend Martin Haywood, when
a guy from my school started on me, he was chatting shit so i told him to shush, when he
called me a !@#$in pussy i said come here and say that. Whadaya know, he said it.
So i smashed him in the face and laughed at him.

I am not an evil person, i just get very angry, very easily.


Rule #4 of the internet. Never use last names.


I keep getting angry over computer related stuff. I make games, and whenever a computer begins having problems, I try to backup. One time, I was copying my games, but I pressed ctrl+X, which means cut. I thought I did ctrl+c. So when ctrl+v-ing, I accidently pressed the space bar, meaning the Cancel button on the Pasting dialog box was pressed. I got pissed off when I found 2 years of hard work was perma-erased...


I'm not really the "get into fights" type of girl, usually when I'm angry I give the cold shoulder...

But, there was this instance in 9th grade where this girl started messaging me over AIM and started saying I stole the guy she liked (the kid I was supposed to go to the winter dance with), she called my friends whores, fat hippos, sluts, etc. So I printed out this whole convo. and showed my friends at the lunch table. I also told my friend Summer about it (jake's sister) and after weeks of my friends threatening to beat this girl up, Summer went up to my other (supposed) friend Cassie and asked where the girl who was talking shit was. Cassie pointed her out and Summer went over & smashed this girl's head into the locker many times...
Then Summer was expelled and a few days later, Cassie admitted that it was actually HER talking to me on AIM pretending to be this other girl, solely to get this girl beat up AND expected to stay friends with me afterward. Needless to say she's a lying manipulative bitch and our entire class(everyone that graduated in 08) hated her. Which is probably why her senior year she only dated freshmen boys...


Quote from: DarkTrinity on November 28, 2010, 05:43:38 PM
I'm not really the "get into fights" type of girl, usually when I'm angry I give the cold shoulder...

But, there was this instance in 9th grade where this girl started messaging me over AIM and started saying I stole the guy she liked (the kid I was supposed to go to the winter dance with), she called my friends whores, fat hippos, sluts, etc. So I printed out this whole convo. and showed my friends at the lunch table. I also told my friend Summer about it (jake's sister) and after weeks of my friends threatening to beat this girl up, Summer went up to my other (supposed) friend Cassie and asked where the girl who was talking shit was. Cassie pointed her out and Summer went over & smashed this girl's head into the locker many times...
Then Summer was expelled and a few days later, Cassie admitted that it was actually HER talking to me on AIM pretending to be this other girl, solely to get this girl beat up AND expected to stay friends with me afterward. Needless to say she's a lying manipulative bitch and our entire class(everyone that graduated in 08) hated her. Which is probably why her senior year she only dated freshmen boys...
Anyone else read this as if it was a cheerleader gossiping to you?

Anyways, this stuff is what makes me glad that as a man, if I have a problem with someone, we can duke it out gladiator style and settle it that way. The kinda shit women do to each other scares me to be honest...from what I can tell this Summer person didn't even ask if the other girl was guilty...

Quote from: Lucifer on November 28, 2010, 12:18:20 PM
-Basically every time I read one of Yankyal's posts I walk outside, and kick the first guy I see in the dick.
All of my posts are filled with sage-like wisdom and grace. The only reason I can think of for you being mad at my posts is that you are tired of having to write every single one of them down, but just cannot resist keeping an archive of my intelligence. So you take it out on another guy's junk? Not cool.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


I have never been in a really SERIOUS fight, I'm a good little boy :3


Quote from: Yankyal on November 28, 2010, 06:21:01 PM
Quote from: DarkTrinity on November 28, 2010, 05:43:38 PM
I'm not really the "get into fights" type of girl, usually when I'm angry I give the cold shoulder...

But, there was this instance in 9th grade where this girl started messaging me over AIM and started saying I stole the guy she liked (the kid I was supposed to go to the winter dance with), she called my friends whores, fat hippos, sluts, etc. So I printed out this whole convo. and showed my friends at the lunch table. I also told my friend Summer about it (jake's sister) and after weeks of my friends threatening to beat this girl up, Summer went up to my other (supposed) friend Cassie and asked where the girl who was talking shit was. Cassie pointed her out and Summer went over & smashed this girl's head into the locker many times...
Then Summer was expelled and a few days later, Cassie admitted that it was actually HER talking to me on AIM pretending to be this other girl, solely to get this girl beat up AND expected to stay friends with me afterward. Needless to say she's a lying manipulative bitch and our entire class(everyone that graduated in 08) hated her. Which is probably why her senior year she only dated freshmen boys...
Anyone else read this as if it was a cheerleader gossiping to you?

Anyways, this stuff is what makes me glad that as a man, if I have a problem with someone, we can duke it out gladiator style and settle it that way. The kinda shit women do to each other scares me to be honest...from what I can tell this Summer person didn't even ask if the other girl was guilty...
I should also probably point out that this girl Cassie framed, was also one of Cassie's friends. But she wasn't innocent either, she pissed a lot of other girls for actually talking shit.
And Summer and others did threaten her for awhile, and she kept saying it wasn't her and that she didn't do anything, but then if 20 people are threatening to beat you up, who wouldn't lie? But that's pretty much why I left her alone, besides the fact that I'm not one to threaten or argue, but she didn't say anything to anyone's face about it so I would've let it go eventually.
Summer was a hothead back then and got into fights often, she didn't get expelled from beating up just this girl.


Quote from: DarkTrinity on November 28, 2010, 05:43:38 PM
I'm not really the "get into fights" type of girl, usually when I'm angry I give the cold shoulder...

But, there was this instance in 9th grade where this girl started messaging me over AIM and started saying I stole the guy she liked (the kid I was supposed to go to the winter dance with), she called my friends whores, fat hippos, sluts, etc. So I printed out this whole convo. and showed my friends at the lunch table. I also told my friend Summer about it (jake's sister) and after weeks of my friends threatening to beat this girl up, Summer went up to my other (supposed) friend Cassie and asked where the girl who was talking shit was. Cassie pointed her out and Summer went over & smashed this girl's head into the locker many times...
Then Summer was expelled and a few days later, Cassie admitted that it was actually HER talking to me on AIM pretending to be this other girl, solely to get this girl beat up AND expected to stay friends with me afterward. Needless to say she's a lying manipulative bitch and our entire class(everyone that graduated in 08) hated her. Which is probably why her senior year she only dated freshmen boys...
yeah, my sister is pretty much a bad ass.

It's funny, because Cassie tried to go out with me in middle school.

As for times others have made me angry... I can't even list them all. Luckily I'm a pretty calm guy and never get into fights.


Last time I got angry, which was about 3 weeks ago, was playing CoD. I punched a hole in the wall and my knuckles haven't yet recovered. Damn camper.  >:(


Quote from: T-Rok on November 28, 2010, 04:44:43 PM
Rule #4 of the internet. Never use last names.

mate im english whats the worsed thats going to happen

and Delicious that made me lol hard, it reminds me of the times i get pissed off over CoD and throw my controller, funny at first but not once you've had one 1 day and you have to tell your mum to go out and get you another ;P