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had enough

Started by DarkMagician, November 29, 2010, 02:03:31 PM

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Right, first im sorry if this dosent belong here, if im supposed to email/pm a gm, or if this simply isnt supposed to have a topic made for it

But ive had enough, this guy called 42! is a real sad character, im tryin to play with him and all he can do is rip my country? Ive had a ******* nuff of him and refuse to play with him, i shouldnt be subject to this guy's insult's and trash talk about my home so if it's possible can he be muted?

- this is one of the few times he's said hurtful things about england, and also i dont want anyone to comment sayin "suck it up" or "shut up and ignore it", because when it's this personal, one cant just simply move on, its fricking horrible.


He said England sucks, how is that being personal?

Made by EpicPhail.
Fight my brute Mr.foGlet. =D


Because he didnt just say england sucked
in fact he has never said Once "england sucks",
i dont even want to put it on the forum's tbh

and Fog where do you live?

-Also how do you know any of this if your not here to see it happen?


well you should be considering, that he said something like "f*ck my country", so he kind of personalized it. Saying England sucks is kind of being personal, then. :s

I'm sorry for you DarkMagician, this random noob must have completely ruined your whole day, because he was "being personal" in an online game with some stick figures.


So I do know how it can be when people say 'Germany sucks' or '!@#$ing nazis' or stuff like that. I do love my country alot, I am pretty patriotic I admit, not a nazi though.

You should not take it serious, I guess he was just messing.

Made by EpicPhail.
Fight my brute Mr.foGlet. =D


FoG, get your ass right to bandits Now, and tell me again if he is messing around
this guy is cold, cruel and in my opinion completely disregarding the fact he is hurting me, proberly
because he gets a kick out of it.

-And also Cherry stfu, i dont know WHY you dont seem to notice an apsolute prick when you see one.
I think you have alot in common with this 42! guy.


Dude you are overdoing it.
And no, I won't log in just to see a guy !@#$ing arround with you.

Made by EpicPhail.
Fight my brute Mr.foGlet. =D


He's a troll, and the best defense against a troll is ignorance.

Just ignore him, as it has been proven with the trolls we have here on the forums, that they shut up (for the most part) and learn to get over themselves and their attention-seeking habits if no one succumbs to their twisted methods of getting attention.

Does it hurt to not want to stand up for your country, or anything you take near and dear to heart?  Sure, it can, but if you add logs to the fire, they will burn, keep the logs to yourself, and the fire will die out.  Bite your tongue, let it go, grab a coke, kick your feet up, and relax.


Thank's scotty that brought some inspiration as how to handle this, also he has logged off now so hopefully i wont ever have to sit in his presence again.


Nothing left to say, but remember for future happenings:



Happens to Americans all the time. It's happened to me, some moron tried convincing me China was north of the US because he thought I was stupid enough to go along with it. I had a Canadian friend who made fun of Americans constantly because of our government and because some city in the US was causing cancer levels to rise in his city in Canada & blah blah. So basically every American sucks and are stupid because of it.
I agree with what Scotty said. This kid sounds like a troll who just wants attention, best way to deal with him: don't give him what he wants. Don't give him attention.
Sorry he stressed you out, it annoys me too.
Rock on England :P


Try living in Australia, worth quite a few laughs.
Facepunch consumes your soul and assimilates you into their crazy community.


If you ignore him or pretend to agree, he'll probably shut up.


Quote from: DarkTrinity on November 29, 2010, 04:42:47 PM
Happens to Americans all the time.
Dare I say it happens to Americans more than anyone else.

It's the internet. With anonymity comes excessive immaturity.