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What shoes do you like?

Started by Raptor111, March 18, 2011, 11:41:17 PM

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I don't like shoes with plastic on them. It makes them look cheap. I love my suede and leather. I used to have blue suede shoes and so I'd go around singing Elvis all the time. ^_^


I threw up in my mouth a little. Suede was soooo 10 years ago.

And it's metallic leather. Not plastic.



Yeah DCs! I'm currently wearing these that I got for like $30 brand new:

They're alright... but yeah, I've been wearing DCs and (old school) Vans for years now, and I think the only time I'll put on a different brand is when I get some new running shoes.

AKA That One Bro


I do love Vans, I still wear my pair from highschool. I also like Circa I think they're called? They're super comfy.
Pastry shoes I love for their bling and colors and they're just fun shoes :3


Quote from: DarkTrinity on March 21, 2011, 01:19:26 PM
Psssht, I got the hottest shoes. ever. Bling included. Be jelly :)

If the Purple covered the white as well i would buy them in seconds, i love the purple but not the white. Although those look small, i think my feet may be bigger. :)

Quote from: darkflash on March 21, 2011, 09:15:28 PM
DC shoes all the way!

Yeah DC are always good.


Quote from: DarkTrinity on March 21, 2011, 08:50:55 PM
I threw up in my mouth a little. Suede was soooo 10 years ago.

And it's metallic leather. Not plastic.
Looks like plastic, is ugly.

In case you didn't know, I'm not one of those idiots who conforms to society. I wear what I like and do with my style what I wish. But you have me on Facebook you should know this! I enjoy standing out from the rest. For instance, my hair for Graduation(what you call Prom) looked like this -> here (Can't find a better view of it.)
Was I the only guy to straighten, style and do many other things with his hair? Yes. Did all the guys make fun of me? Quite. Did my girlfriend love it and were all the girls jealous of her? Rather so. ^_^


Quote from: T-Rok on March 22, 2011, 03:18:34 AM
Looks like plastic, is ugly.

In case you didn't know, I'm not one of those idiots who conforms to society. I wear what I like and do with my style what I wish. But you have me on Facebook you should know this! I enjoy standing out from the rest. For instance, my hair for Graduation(what you call Prom) looked like this -> here (Can't find a better view of it.)
Was I the only guy to straighten, style and do many other things with his hair? Yes. Did all the guys make fun of me? Quite. Did my girlfriend love it and were all the girls jealous of her? Rather so. ^_^

I wear what i like, which happens to be stuff like that, and to be honest i don't know many people who like Skate Shoes. I agree with you it is better to stand out and be different to the rest.
Nice hair by the way, i don't see why people would make fun of it, probably because they liked it. ;)


Though then again, I guess it all depends on the season.

For example, I bought a nice pair of waterproof hiking shoes for wintet. I also always have another pair of running shoes for working out/jogging.

Now that its spring though, I'll probably buy a pair of more casual sneakers(considering the ones I have now are duct taped together).
Livin' in a lonely world.


i dont know about you raptor but if you dont wear skate shoes in my middle school people judge you as less of a person

stick d00d

Normally I don't spend money on shoes but I figured I'd get a good pair while I had some cash. I have a pair of Nike Air's, they are dark blue suede.

I do like DC shoes as well but I can never find them in a size wide enough for my foot.


Quote from: Raptor111 on March 22, 2011, 01:51:49 AM
Quote from: DarkTrinity on March 21, 2011, 01:19:26 PM
Psssht, I got the hottest shoes. ever. Bling included. Be jelly :)

If the Purple covered the white as well i would buy them in seconds, i love the purple but not the white. Although those look small, i think my feet may be bigger. :)

Well I think that picture is actually the kid's shoe version, I don't think they sell them anymore in my size. My feet really aren't that small. But they came in tonnns of colors.

@T-rok: lol original? How many people do you know with gems in their shoes?? I'd say that's pretty original. I have yet to see a single person in my school who has shoes like mine.

@Raptor111: You for serious...? When I was in high school, like 50% of my school wore skate shoes. Or converse.


Quote from: DarkTrinity on March 22, 2011, 06:16:49 PM
@Raptor111: You for serious...? When I was in high school, like 50% of my school wore skate shoes. Or converse.

This is New Zealand though, they are like behind with this stuff, maybe in a couple years when i left i might start seeing more people with them.


I'm like T-Rok. I have a pair of gray suede New Balance. They're comfortable and look relatively normal. And yes, I am old, so I'm allowed to wear normal shoes...

I also have 2 pair of Florsheims. 1 black and 1 brown. For work. It's actually the first time I've ever spent any kind of real money on that kind of thing. But they were buy one get one free at Men's Warehouse. And since they're for work it's basically a business expense. Have to look good at work.


This is what I wear usually.

If I'm going very casual though,

Though mine are more white with a different pattern.