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Bin Laden is finally dead!!!

Started by Tidus, May 01, 2011, 11:09:09 PM

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Geeze, why does everything on this forum have to turn into arguments...Can't we all just be happy that justice has finally prevailed and the man behind 9/11 finally got what he deserved?


I was simply just giving my 2 cents -_- not trying to argue isn't that what a forum is for? It's mostly all opinions I think it's nice to see a lot of peoples different views on things and tell them mine.


Quote from: darkflash on May 02, 2011, 06:33:54 PM
I was simply just giving my 2 cents -_- not trying to argue isn't that what a forum is for? It's mostly all opinions I think it's nice to see a lot of peoples different views on things and tell them mine.

I was more talking to the people saying that Osama's death is fake and the others actually arguing over I'm not sure what, not the person who said one thing (you).....At least if you guys are gonna argue, argue about something that makes sense, like whether or not there will be retaliation (or at least an attempt) or such, not whether or not he is actually dead, or if its a plot by Obama....


Quote from: Tidus on May 02, 2011, 06:30:28 PM
Geeze, why does everything on this forum have to turn into arguments...Can't we all just be happy that justice has finally prevailed and the man behind 9/11 finally got what he deserved?

Arguments aren't a bad thing, as long as they are handled properly.  To reduce arguments to nothing more then petty attacks and spiteful retorts, those are not needed, but I can say I've actually learned a lot through some of the arguments that have taken place on these forums, and tend to appreciate contributing for the sole purpose of educating myself of other's mindsets, gauging a better well rounded picture.


Quote from: Forum on May 02, 2011, 06:13:18 PM
Expect retaliation..
I think a lot of people are. I just heard on the radio this morning that Los Angeles is tagged for high risk. It's kind of scary, but this kind of thing could happen anywhere at any time.

Quote from: Jake on May 02, 2011, 06:15:32 PM
Quote from: Lingus on May 02, 2011, 05:59:23 PM
To be honest I think that's kind of ignorant (or maybe optimistic) of you. You really believe that people don't have a choice? That if someone is raised wrong that they are going to end up this way and they can't be blamed because it's not their fault they had bad parents (or whatever). It's kind of a cop out. There are people who are raised pretty crappily and turn out to be very good people. Only a very small percentage of the world turns out to be as horrible as someone like Osama Bin Laden. That has to show that it's really just their choice. Sure, if it weren't for their upbringing they wouldn't have had these ideas, but that's not the reason why they became mass murderers. They did that because they made a choice to become that way.
I apologize if I made it seem like he has no choice in this matter. The point I'm trying to convey is that he is completely convinced that he made the right choice. I believe he thinks this way based on his background and culture, or it could be some kind of psychological problem. Who knows, right? What I know for a fact though, is that making judgments on him as being evil is silly, because we don't know the thinking behind his actions.
I guess I just don't understand that mindset. To a certain extent a persons intentions can affect the judgement of their actions... but when it comes to this level of ill will, I can't see any possible thought process that would deem the actions "good" or even "not evil". When you purposely set out to cause as much terror and destruction to a specific group of people without being provoked, it doesn't matter why, you're a bad person.

Jake, I kind of feel like you need to look inside yourself to ask a few questions. Why do you find it necessary to justify someone as horrible as this as not being as bad as everyone makes them out to be? I've personally done enough soul searching to know that no matter what the situation, I would not find myself in the same place as someone like that. Sure, I have some prejudices. Everyone does. But it does not mean I am going to cause harm to those I have prejudices against. In my opinion, everyone is equal and everyone has the same rights, so there's no reason for any of this kind of nonsense to occur in the world. The people who bring this kind of thing about should have consequences.


I know why jake is saying that HES PART OF THE ALKIDA!!!!!!!!! jk lol xD. but ya I cannot see how that couldn't be evil in my opinion. I think we just started a huge war im afraid what the future will bring us. but we as america will never give up and fight back!


EDIT: Was too mean... =(


Quote from: Jmacrules on May 02, 2011, 08:25:33 PM
If I could've killed him, I would've stuck him into a building, filled up a plane with a bunch of captured Arabs, then crashed the plane into the building....see how he feels about it. >:( I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead.

This is the kind of response you want to avoid though - it makes you no better than him, if you wish upon him the tragedies that he befell unto others. No one should ever have to experience that.

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I wasn't even going to address that one...


that is true even he doesn't deserve that :I remember HE is the enemy once you do what the enemy does YOU are the enemy


Quote from: darkflash on May 02, 2011, 07:57:47 PM
I know why jake is saying that HES PART OF THE ALKIDA!!!!!!!!! jk lol xD. but ya I cannot see how that couldn't be evil in my opinion. I think we just started a huge war im afraid what the future will bring us. but we as america will never give up and fight back!

Evil is a matter of perspective.  Do you consider yourself evil for celebrating the death of another human being?  Did we consider ourselves evil for holding people as slaves?  Did we consider ourselves evil when we essentially used other countries as a means to fight Russia and Communism during the cold war, and then 'discarded' them when they were no longer of value to us?   Bin Laden believed Americans to be evil and the enemy, and believed himself to be right.

I believe the point Jake is trying to make is that he was still a human being.  I do not hate the man (hatred is the cause of our troubles in the first place), I merely pity him.  I pity the fact that he lived his entire life consumed with hatred, and to the very end, refused a life of peace and happiness. 
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Quote from: Chaos on May 02, 2011, 09:56:53 PM
I merely pity him.  I pity the fact that he lived his entire life consumed with hatred, and to the very end, refused a life of peace and happiness. 



Quote from: Lingus on May 02, 2011, 07:35:03 PM
I guess I just don't understand that mindset. To a certain extent a persons intentions can affect the judgement of their actions... but when it comes to this level of ill will, I can't see any possible thought process that would deem the actions "good" or even "not evil". When you purposely set out to cause as much terror and destruction to a specific group of people without being provoked, it doesn't matter why, you're a bad person.
It's not about the actions of the person (which I agree are very bad), it's about the mindset of the person making those actions. How can we label someone as evil when they're simply misguided? No matter how devastating the action was, he thought he was right and thought he was fighting evil. To simply state that he is a bad person by looking at actions alone is an extremely shallow judgment of someones character.

QuoteJake, I kind of feel like you need to look inside yourself to ask a few questions. Why do you find it necessary to justify someone as horrible as this as not being as bad as everyone makes them out to be? I've personally done enough soul searching to know that no matter what the situation, I would not find myself in the same place as someone like that. Sure, I have some prejudices. Everyone does. But it does not mean I am going to cause harm to those I have prejudices against. In my opinion, everyone is equal and everyone has the same rights, so there's no reason for any of this kind of nonsense to occur in the world. The people who bring this kind of thing about should have consequences.
I agree that people who cause problems need to be dealt with. I don't think anyone deserves to die, even Hitler or Osama, but taking them out was necessary in order to save lives.

Quote from: darkflash on May 02, 2011, 06:28:09 PM
I know kill all american's for no apparent reason.. that to me is evil. He is a normal person. He decided himself to make the choices he did he didn't have downsyndrome or some disease that made the choice for him he could of easily not of killed any american's if he wanted to.. and Jake im sure he is going to hell he probably isn't christian -_-. and thou shall not kill..
Fortunately, hell doesn't exist. Even if it did, the chances that you somehow won the lottery (aka, picked the right religion) would be quite low.


There are as many definitions of right, wrong, peace, happiness, justices, hatred, love, and hate as people who exists. Entropy happens, we are all different. And that's why the world is the way it is.


Quote from: Jake on May 02, 2011, 10:52:03 PM
Quote from: Lingus on May 02, 2011, 07:35:03 PM
I guess I just don't understand that mindset. To a certain extent a persons intentions can affect the judgement of their actions... but when it comes to this level of ill will, I can't see any possible thought process that would deem the actions "good" or even "not evil". When you purposely set out to cause as much terror and destruction to a specific group of people without being provoked, it doesn't matter why, you're a bad person.
It's not about the actions of the person (which I agree are very bad), it's about the mindset of the person making those actions. How can we label someone as evil when they're simply misguided? No matter how devastating the action was, he thought he was right and thought he was fighting evil. To simply state that he is a bad person by looking at actions alone is an extremely shallow judgment of someones character.

Actions in large part define you as a person. You do what you do because of how you think and feel. In Osama's case, we've seen quotes of him condemning every American and asking that we should be killed. Of course he thought he was right - but we as a society deemed him wrong, and ultimately it is up to ourselves to determine what is "good" and "bad".

You believe he was simply misguided, but that is your perception. How is our perception that he is evil any different than the judgement you are making?

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