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Started by Yankyal, October 30, 2011, 11:33:44 AM

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Discuss piracy or digital media in general. What are your policies?

Do you think it is wrong? Do you do it anyways? If you enjoy something that you pirated will you buy it eventually? Is it or is it not a loss of profit for the company, even if you wouldn't have bought the product anyways?

Don't share torrents or shit like that in this thread, it is for discussion.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


I do not think pirating is wrong. I always do it. I pirated a couple of games that I never bought. I do not feel bad about it. I did eventually buy Minecraft though. And as for money goes with pirating, I feel like the companies with games like Call of Duty have too much money to handle anyways. I don't think it's hurting them.

stick d00d

I myself have never pirated anything. But I do have a few friends that do. I don't necessarily condemn it or praise it, it doesn't have any effect on me so why should I care? In regards to money being lost, if they were losing so many profits,(talking big video game companies, or movies/music artist) then I would doubt they would keep coming out with new titles, albums, movies, every year or so. That's just my 2 cents on it.


Pirating is terrible. I think its bad to just jump onto other people's ships and to take all there stuff and or to hold them hostage. As for digital media its a nice compared to analog media. Its easier to move around and to and it can be changed and updated fast. The only problem is having a consent connection of the internet and or power. But its getting easier every day.


I pirate.. Everything. Music, PSP games, PC games, PS3 games etc. I hack my consoles just for this purpose. Living up here in Canada without those strict American rules is beautiful. Mind you, I pirate because I dislike buying something and it not being worth it. If I like something that I've pirated, I buy it the next day. If not, it's usually deleted in the first hour.


I'm against pirating. It's nothing more than stealing on the internet, and it's illegal.


The only thing I really pirate is music and media software. Not exactly guilt-free about the music, but the media software are what I consider as free game, because they have a possibility to start career choices for young generations, but are ridiculously expensive.


Quote from: ARTgames on October 30, 2011, 01:35:45 PM
Pirating is terrible. I think its bad to just jump onto other people's ships and to take all there stuff and or to hold them hostage. As for digital media its a nice compared to analog media. Its easier to move around and to and it can be changed and updated fast. The only problem is having a consent connection of the internet and or power. But its getting easier every day.
You should go into stand-up comedy.

Quote from: 11clock on October 30, 2011, 03:12:04 PM
I'm against pirating. It's nothing more than stealing on the internet, and it's illegal.
You've bought every single song on your computer?
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


I don't really feel guilty about pirating at all. My Dad was the one who taught me to pirate in the first place.


If I have the money, I'll buy it. If I don't, I'll download it.

That's about it.


I come from a very poor family, and I'm poor myself. I will almost never buy music, games, shows or movies. But I'm not going to let my financial situation get in the way of my happiness. Especially when it comes to Juggernaut companies that produce big games like COD as someone mentioned. Those companies are making exhorbint amounts either way, and I certainly can't afford it.

But let's be real here, most bands make a pathetic profit off of album sales in any case. The real point of selling an Album is to create hype, so that they get signed on for longer, sell out at shows, get good press, radio, so on and so forth. So me pirating music doesn't make much of a difference in either case, and the bands I am an avid fan of I do usually see live when they come around. So no big loss.

I'm always willing to support smaller companies trying to break though. I bought Minecraft, I bough Magicka. These were small company games, and they actually needed the money(well Notch made it rich, but usually they do), and the games are usually around 10 bucks, not 70-80 like most companies wish to gouge.


Quote from: Yankyal on October 30, 2011, 06:00:28 PM
Quote from: 11clock on October 30, 2011, 03:12:04 PM
I'm against pirating. It's nothing more than stealing on the internet, and it's illegal.
You've bought every single song on your computer?
The only songs on my computer are free songs I use for my games; I'm not a music fan. Everything I own is either free or I had to pay for it. I've never pirated, and I never will.


I really don't play that many games lately, although I'll admit I have pirated some games just to try them out (basically making my own demo... I don't want to spend $50 on a game I'll only have a few hours of free time to play.)

As for music, I buy pretty much all of it, just because I like having Physical CD's for all the goodies that come with them, and because a lot of songs are still written to be part of an album (not that you can't download full albums, just saying I'm not one of those people who has 5,000 songs by 5,000 artists). But it really ticks me off when CD's come in cases that look like they were made from used cereal boxes in order to be "environmentally friendly" - a cheap case with nothing but the album itself isn't really any more useful than downloads.

That, and it's fun to show off that I have a big CD collection, because I'm full of myself like that.


Quote from: Hikarikuen on October 30, 2011, 07:59:19 PM
I really don't play that many games lately, although I'll admit I have pirated some games just to try them out (basically making my own demo... I don't want to spend $50 on a game I'll only have a few hours of free time to play.)
$50 is absolutely ridiculous. Especially for things like CoD which is just a rehash of the previous game. Not to mention you have to pay for new maps and DLCs, just racking up the price.

The only games I've bought are tf2, portal 2, and half-life 2. Because they are exceedingly good, and none of them were over $20. The rest can get !@#$ed with their $50 prices.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


I pirate music, because half the CDs I buy I only listen to half the songs or less. If I like the CD/band I will go out and buy it after I've listened to it.
Movies I don't usually download but watch online. And if they're a good movie then my mom usually ends up buying them anyways.
I'm not a big computer gamer but the one game I really wanted was the new Alice game(Return to Madness). Bought that legally, and of course it's made by EA so there were glitches left and right. I don't mind buying games, but as far as EA goes, if they ever come out with anymore games I'd like, I will definitely download and not waste more money on that company.