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Started by Josh, December 12, 2011, 10:11:31 PM

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Quote from: Torch on November 24, 2012, 05:37:06 PM
She has BY FAR the best gap-closer in the game
akali would like to have a word with you
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


Yeah definitely add me up! Username is InfernoJesus

@luci: Orianna is a lot of fun to play and my Morgana is not so great, but I get stomped mid by Morganas that can land Qs. I tried old TF and I wasn't a fan of the whole card-switching mechanic but I see they changed it a bit with the card being displayed over his head, he looks fun. I haven't been following any of the upcoming S3 patches. Been playing a bit of the new TT though. And yeah Nunu is kickass, such a strong counter-jungler.

@yank: Well maybe not by far but I'd argue Diana's is better. A bit more range, a bit better AP scaling, has 0 CD with Q. Obviously Akali's is more spammable though (you can do 3 almost instantly) so its definitely debatable.


Seasons 3 is turning out quite great. I've spent the past month or so on the beta server testing all the new things out, and also reporting the occasional bug. By far the biggest change is the jungle. Characters like Fiora and Jax now free farm in the jungle like nobodies business. And when you throw the new items into the mixture, it's not a good moment for your team when they go peekaboo.

I've personally been doing a lot of Fiora jungle and trying to get the sequence down to perfection, and if there's any advice I can give you it's either A: You counter jungle her like no tomorrow or you'll regret it. And B: You protect her from counter jungling like no tomorrow.

My last game as her I started a 1v3 fight, and my teams been feeding hard. This Darius is 17/2, I'm only 5/7 (Teams slacking on following through with ganks), and the team scores are 11-25. So this fight is Fiora vs Diana, Ahri and Darius. I destroyed Diana and Ahri's health, and just as Darius was going to ult I cast my ult, effectively canceling his and healing me to full health while killing all three of them. Ezreal and Taric are coming down during this, but when I'm out of my ult and they see I'm at full health they start booking it back to their base. I tower dive them both, killing both in maybe 5 seconds and walking away from double tower targeting with half health.

If there is no teemo or large amounts of CC -> Wriggles, Berserkers+Alacricity, Hydra, Black Cleaver, Ruined King, Blood Thirster. This mid-late game build (Yes, mid game, jungle puts out money like no bodies business.) usually warrants me 500 ad and 50% lifesteal + 4% current health as damage + Hydra splash on my ult. So that's 1100+4% current health in damage that splashes from Hydra up to 5 times. In total that deals up to 3740+4% current health in damage per target to 5 targets standing beside each other. And I have armor pen/shred out the ying yang. On top of which most characters don't finish with more than 3k health. That's 18700 damage in about 3 seconds while untargetable, healing for 9350 of that. I understand that this is a best case scenario, but you can see what I'm getting at here.

TL;DR: Morale of the story, fear or praise Fiora. Incoming item/jungle nerfs more than likely. Unless people can adapt and make counter jungling more of a thing. And I'm sure Jax is more terrifying if not the same amount as Fiora.


Quote from: T-Rok on November 26, 2012, 01:31:16 PM
TL;DR: Morale of the story, fear or praise Fiora. Incoming item/jungle nerfs more than likely. Unless people can adapt and make counter jungling more of a thing. And I'm sure Jax is more terrifying if not the same amount as Fiora.

jax is already !@#$ing terrifying. nothing like being a cute little kogmaw and running into a 10/0 jax. holy shit.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10


Quote from: Yankyal on December 02, 2012, 07:44:28 AM
Quote from: T-Rok on November 26, 2012, 01:31:16 PM
TL;DR: Morale of the story, fear or praise Fiora. Incoming item/jungle nerfs more than likely. Unless people can adapt and make counter jungling more of a thing. And I'm sure Jax is more terrifying if not the same amount as Fiora.

jax is already !@#$ing terrifying. nothing like being a cute little kogmaw and running into a 10/0 jax. holy shit.

Well the patch came out today, so you'll see what I'm talking about. Teemo and Kog'Maw got huge buffs with the new items as well.


Oh man, AP Teemo & the new Malady/Spellsword Mastery? I'm scared! Ya'll should hop on Scotty's Teamspeak tonight and we can do some fives, I should hopefully be getting internet by then...


Totally down for it.

Also if we can get 5 people for a premade something I'd be interested in trying...

A duo top with one person being primarily a counter jungler/roamer. This is because despite what Riot thinks, from my experiences and others, jungle gold is actually lower than it was before. This coupled with the fact that the jungle is more dangerous sets up good opportunities for ganks at the enemies red buff. This person would also take smite to secure dragons/barons and to help counter jungle. Thinking it would also be good to build GP5. This way, you can shut down their jungler fairly easily. Let me know if you guys are down to try it.
Livin' in a lonely world.


That sounds viable, add me up, I'm down to try it. I would argue that a bot lane counter-jungler would be superior though, since dragon is on bot and having more people closer to it is beneficial. Also red is on the blue team's bottom and the purple team's top...

Quote from: Titan on December 04, 2012, 05:38:44 PM
Totally down for it.

Also if we can get 5 people for a premade something I'd be interested in trying...

A duo top with one person being primarily a counter jungler/roamer. This is because despite what Riot thinks, from my experiences and others, jungle gold is actually lower than it was before. This coupled with the fact that the jungle is more dangerous sets up good opportunities for ganks at the enemies red buff. This person would also take smite to secure dragons/barons and to help counter jungle. Thinking it would also be good to build GP5. This way, you can shut down their jungler fairly easily. Let me know if you guys are down to try it.


I have one word for you. Sejuani.


Aw man, I've been wanting to do some serious fives & theory-crafting for a while, especially with this new season. I've finally got some decent internet, however I might not be on much, finals week! 

I sent you an invite, Torch, did you get one from Hackettbear?


Quote from: Lucifer on December 05, 2012, 04:57:32 PM
Aw man, I've been wanting to do some serious fives & theory-crafting for a while, especially with this new season. I've finally got some decent internet, however I might not be on much, finals week! 

I sent you an invite, Torch, did you get one from Hackettbear?
I didn't, you sure you added InfernoJesus? I'll add you.

Also I'm loving the new season 3 items. Runaan's Hurricane is incredible for ADCs. I've been using a crit-less build of runaan's, berserker greaves, bloodthirster, last whisperer, blade of the ruined king, and a GA and it's been working okay.

Crystaline flask, 1 ward, 5 pots is my new go-to starting build for most top and midlaners, and for adc I just go flask and the rest on pots. Soo much lane sustain, I've ended up staying in lane until 3-4k gold on multiple occasions. Since the boots nerf, I feel like crystaline, cloth armor, and that new jungle item will become the norm for starting builds.

Also for bruisers, instead of merc treads, I'll often build the new boots of swiftness and a zephyr (new tenacity item), to get slow reduction and tenacity. Depending on the champ, black cleaver is now a kickass bruiser item too, particularly on wukong and garen.

The new ravenous hydra (tiamat upgrade) is okay and the new aegis upgrade is very solid.

There are a lot more items I want to experiment with, such as the active item that stops a tower from attacking for 2.5 seconds. I feel the game's builds are much more diverse now and you're not as locked in to a specific build.


Have you tried Muramana yet? That thing is godlike on GP and many others. 3% current mana*2 as damage is a beautiful thing. Even if that's your only mana item, it provides about 120+40ish extra damage when your mana bar is full.


So I added InfernoJesus, my IGN is GiantEvilKitten, just so everyone knows.
Livin' in a lonely world.


Quote from: T-Rok on December 05, 2012, 07:07:13 PM
Have you tried Muramana yet? That thing is godlike on GP and many others. 3% current mana*2 as damage is a beautiful thing. Even if that's your only mana item, it provides about 120+40ish extra damage when your mana bar is full.
The thing is really overpowered on Ryze. It's really silly at first to build this instead of Archangel/Seraph's, but Muramana outclasses Seraph's on offensive aspect, especially with Ryze.
Seraph's Embrace fits in as a good defensive choice though.


thresh is great.

he's like blitzcrank but even more overpowered.
Isaiah 13:15-18
Exodus 21:15
Deuteronomy 17:12
Leviticus 20:10