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trans-fat ban

Started by venuse, January 02, 2010, 08:29:06 PM

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yap in california they are enacting a transfat ban. frankly i would prefer if people would get a brain, eat a little healthier and exercise more then i would for the government taking away my freedom of choice, or hell instead of out right banning why not regulate the quantity, although i don't live in California :P


Quote from: venuse on January 02, 2010, 08:29:06 PM
yap in california they are enacting a transfat ban. frankly i would prefer if people would get a brain, eat a little healthier and exercise more then i would for the government taking away my freedom of choice, or hell instead of out right banning why not regulate the quantity, although i don't live in California :P

It prevents restaurants from using trans-fat to cook the food, not banning trans-fat altogether.


Quote from: venuse on January 02, 2010, 08:29:06 PM
yap in california they are enacting a transfat ban. frankly i would prefer if people would get a brain, eat a little healthier and exercise more then i would for the government taking away my freedom of choice, or hell instead of out right banning why not regulate the quantity, although i don't live in California :P

That's a dumb law. Don't take away the candy from everyone just because a fat kid or two can't stop stuffing himself. People have full ability to look at what foods have trans-fats in them and make intelligent choices regarding the consumption of that food. Laws like these undermine people's intelligence and independence.


It goes to show that humans are lazy.  We need someone to step in and tell us to stop.  Americans have lost the ability to think for themselves and would rather someone else dictate how they live, and what they eat.  Personally, I don't care about them banning it.  Sure, it's one less thing I'm going to consume against my will, but so is pot.  Besides, think about it.  How much are you paying a year into the government to feed someone's social security or welfare because they are too fat and unhealthy to work.  It'll stop giving Americans a reason to get even fatter and lazier.  Quite frankly, when that is the perception the rest of the world has of us (which it is), I'm all for this ban.  Away with trans-fat.  We can't kill people for being stupid, but we can at least ensure that they aren't going to play stupid to get money for doing nothing but stuffing their fat faces.

Mr Pwnage

While we are at it, let's ban anal sex.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)


Quote from: Mr Pwnage on January 02, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
While we are at it, let's ban anal sex.

That's where I draw the line.  Well... Actually... Sodomy is already considered a huge no-no.  That's actually something that is in writing for the Marine Corps, that we could not partake in sodomy... Which I find funny that it would require it to be written down...


How does state laws work? I mean if a majority group of Californians said they don't want trans-fat and they ban it i don't see whats wrong with that. Isn't that democracy?

maybe i just don't really understand how these things work.


QuoteAmericans have lost the ability to think for themselves and would rather someone else dictate how they live, and what they eat.
Yet at the same time, these Americans(Fattius Slobbius) claim to hate communism.


Quote from: Jackabomb on January 02, 2010, 10:39:11 PM
QuoteAmericans have lost the ability to think for themselves and would rather someone else dictate how they live, and what they eat.
Yet at the same time, these Americans(Fattius Slobbius) claim to hate communism.

I take that back, we would not RATHER (as in want someone else to make the decision for us), but we need someone to step up to the plate and take action.

I've been debating this for about an hour now with Jake.  I'm taking the extreme conservative side, he's playing devil's advocate.  We cannot even take care of ourselves anymore, we'd rather just suck up the money and not have to work.  Everyone wants a free ride, and would rather PUT MORE EFFORT into trying to be lazy, then what it would require to just do the right thing.  America is in for a wake-up, and I will laugh the next time I see some fat terd in the gas station throwing a shit fit because he can't buy his snickers bars anymore.

Jake said we need education and a bombardment of information showing people how to do it properly.  My response is, that's what we've been doing.  We've all had sex ed classes where we were taught safe-sex, America had to go through D.A.R.E. to prevent drug abuse, we all have all this information at our disposals, AA, substance abuse classes, weight watchers, all this information, all these people wanting to help, and we'd rather not take the effort required to improve our lives.  We can't even take care of ourselves, how can we expect to take care of anything else!?!  When is this method not enough?  Should we consider taking more drastic actions when we are in an economic slump and are tight for money, when we should be second guessing who we just hand money out to for no reason other than them wanting to stuff their face?  I think now is that time.

America needs a good pimp slap across the face right about now.  Trans-fat can go.  I will gladly wave off all those Europeans who call us fat and lazy out of jealousy.  It'll never happen though, so keep it comin' Europe!

EDIT: Please don't get me wrong.  Is this a sad state that we are in?  Of course it is.  I think it is sad that people cannot make the right decisions, thus resulting in having an authoritative figure having to step in and make them for us.  It is sad that people cannot try to be healthy, that they'd rather be lazy and throw a temper tantrum when their welfare check isn't in the mailbox on time.  People think proper education is the answer, and maybe it is.  No one can deny that D.A.R.E. has had a substantial degree of success in teaching children not to abuse drugs.  But alas, if we try harder, people will complain about that too.  If we are forced into attending classes on how to be healthy, people will throw shit fits over the thought.  Everyone just wants to be left alone to do their own thing, and don't want people stepping on their toes, yet what that translates to, is that some will take that as their free pass to do what they want, and reap the benefits of their wrong decisions.  We will never find a resolution that doesn't split the country in approval/disapproval.  This only proves that as Americans, we cannot make the right decisions in life, and are just plain stupid.  This is why I hate people so much.


Quote from: Jackabomb on January 02, 2010, 10:39:11 PM
QuoteAmericans have lost the ability to think for themselves and would rather someone else dictate how they live, and what they eat.
Yet at the same time, these Americans(Fattius Slobbius) claim to hate communism.
We do hate communism. For all I know, most of the Soviet hated it too. It's just the people up high who are power greedy implementing Communist laws, and dumb voters voting "YES!" to everything. Communism makes everyone equal: Everyone starves and has no money, except for the people in charge (who are implementing the laws).


Reading scotty's post I'm seeing something very interesting. Scotty, I've heard words almost exactly identical before, and not from you: "Everyone just wants to be left alone to do their own thing". My Dad has said the exact same thing...about me a few years ago. What does this tell us? That America doesn't mature. They remain in a child mind-set even when they're full-fledged adults. That they aren't moving on. People should reap the benefits or pains of their actions. Why don't they?


Quote from: Jackabomb on January 02, 2010, 11:33:59 PM
People should reap the benefits or pains of their actions. Why don't they?

Because we've offered them a way to avoid the pain, and replace it with benefits.


And why in God's name did we do that?


Because our government feels the need to prevent anyone from ever failing.  Case in point, the auto bailout.  Those companies deserved to die, and should of.  When the fat bastards of our country feel the need to gorge themselves, and then are too old and fat to do anything and start begging for their welfare, what should our government do?

Tell them: "Tough shit."

@Jackabomb and Aqua:  I don't think you quite know what communism IS, so I would stop using the analogy.
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster


Quote from: Jackabomb on January 02, 2010, 11:41:40 PM
And why in God's name did we do that?

We are a world where we want happiness, at whatever cost.  We are willing to cheat the system to get what we want.  We live our lives complaining about how we have it so bad, and thus tempted to do whatever necessary to get things our way.  We can't accept responsibility for our own actions, and it's everybody else's fault but ours..