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You know you're a true gamer when..

Started by God-I-Suck, February 23, 2010, 08:40:59 PM

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(This list is entirely made by me. Based on my opinion. Feel free to comment and add on.) own more than 3 game consoles. own more than 30 video games. own or used to own an NES. don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals. still play hand-held video games released before the DS. use video game lingo in real-life. play video games online. go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day.'d rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends. try to find as much time as possible to play video games. prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone.

..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't. played video games as an infant. enjoy watching MLG over most sports. love to watch G4. feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series. still play and have interest in video games at an old age.

..your forum avatar is related to a video game.'ve played Halo before.

..most of your bookmarks are related to video games. like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.'re good at almost every video game you play. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games. don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun. are proud you are a gamer. save the video game instruction booklets. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper. say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game. stayed up all night playing video games before. think about video games when you aren't playing video games. own a video game poster.

..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever. refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells." like it when people watch you play video games. can't wait to play that new game you just got.

Hm.. can't really think of any more at the moment.


..when you get payed for playing games.


Hmm...I own over 20 consoles (I have more then one of a few consoles, for example 3 Xbox 360s) and over 200 video games. Actually my family owns them all.

Mr Pwnage

..When you can use your penis as an 11th finger.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein (1947)


Quote from: 11clock on February 23, 2010, 09:32:38 PM
Hmm...I own over 20 consoles (I have more then one of a few consoles, for example 3 Xbox 360s) and over 200 video games. Actually my family owns them all.
Give me one! I'm fed up with my Wii. Why so many, though?
I don't consider myself a hard-core gamer, but most of those statements on the list seem to match up with me.


No one in my family likes to share, so we end up with each family member owning their own copy of the console. Here is the list of consoles we have:

-2 Gamecubes
-3 Xbox 360s
-2 Hacked Xboxes with every SNES game ever created installed on them (and they all run perfectly)
-1 Nintendo Wii
-6 Ipod Touches (Not sure if these count)
-2 Dreamcasts
-1 Nintendo 64
-1 PS1
-2 PS2s
-1 PS3
-3 Nintendo DSs
-2 PSPs

I think I forgot a couple.


I feel the need to check that which applies.... D: own more than 3 game consoles. own more than 30 video games. own or used to own an NES. (I still have one) don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals. (I so agree with this o-o) still play hand-held video games released before the DS. use video game lingo in real-life. play video games online. (not so much any more, but I played RO a lot back when I had my old comp) go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day. (and all the other game stores too XD) try to find as much time as possible to play video games.
..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't. played video games as an infant.( I have the picure to prove it too) feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series. still play and have interest in video games at an old age.
..your forum avatar is related to a video game. (was, for a long time, so I still think it counts >>)'ve played Halo before. like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs. This does not apply to me since I hate walkthroughs, and I think they're cheap. And I think TRUE gamers never need to use one. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.'re good at almost every video game you play. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games. don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun. are proud you are a gamer. save the video game instruction booklets. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper. (have before..... -_-) say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game.(XDDD OMG YES!) stayed up all night playing video games before.( Banjo Kazooie was my first, and it was till 6 in the morning) think about video games when you aren't playing video games. own a video game poster.
..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever. refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells." like it when people watch you play video games.(if they like to too, otherwise I feel obligated to let them play too) can't wait to play that new game you just got. (or buy the next one)

I had to take the picture with my webcam, of a picture, since I didn't have a scanner at the time. But this is me, at 3 years old, playing the NES. It was prolly Battle Toads
o-o Suck it. I'm a gamer.



Quote from: 11clock on February 23, 2010, 10:34:21 PM
No one in my family likes to share, so we end up with each family member owning their own copy of the console. Here is the list of consoles we have:

-2 Gamecubes
-3 Xbox 360s
-2 Hacked Xboxes with every SNES game ever created installed on them (and they all run perfectly)
-1 Nintendo Wii
-6 Ipod Touches (Not sure if these count)
-2 Dreamcasts
-1 Nintendo 64
-1 PS1
-2 PS2s
-1 PS3
-3 Nintendo DSs
-2 PSPs

I think I forgot a couple.
Are you..Rich? Lol. Anyways... I have..
1 Ps2(Older version, I hate the slim one) - about 40 games
1 Ps3 - 25 games
1 Xbox - 14 games
1 Xbox 360(Elite) - 32 games
1 Ipod touch(3g)
1 wii - 11 games
1 Ps1(also the older version) - 16 games
1 Sega Genesis - 9 games
1 N64 - 13 games
1 Snes - 18 games
1 Gamecube - 22 games

So I guess I'm a gamer. But not hardcore, I wont play it instead of hanging out with friends, but I'll play when I get a chance.
I kinda like to play the older systems a lot, because I find the older gameplay a lot funner.



You don't have to own a thousand consoles to be hardcore gamer , all you need is to enjoy the games , have opinion about them. I only own a PSP , wanted a xbox 360 , but that never happen. So I stick with my computer games.
Thanks to Danimal for choosing my account for reactivation.



Quote from: Ciro on February 23, 2010, 10:56:07 PM

I had to take the picture with my webcam, of a picture, since I didn't have a scanner at the time. But this is me, at 3 years old, playing the NES. It was prolly Battle Toads
o-o Suck it. I'm a gamer.

The guy in the back (your dad I'm guessing) has a cat on his head!
Facepunch consumes your soul and assimilates you into their crazy community.



Thanks to Danimal for choosing my account for reactivation.


I seriously have to object to this:'ve played Halo before.

Isn't Halo known as a game played by many non-gamers? My understanding of a large quantity of it's player base is people who don't normally play games, but make an exception with this one. Almost how you don't consider a jock type who only plays sports games a gamer because they're really just playing a virtual version of sports rather than playing a video game. I really wouldn't consider Halo the one game that makes you a true gamer. Not to say that if you DO play it that you aren't.


Quote from: God-I-Suck on February 23, 2010, 08:40:59 PM
(This list is entirely made by me. Based on my opinion. Feel free to comment and add on.) own more than 3 game consoles.
Check. own more than 30 video games.
Check. own or used to own an NES.
Check. don't like to play emulation version of games because they aren't like the originals.
Bollocks.  This makes you an elitist faggot, not a gamer.  Not check. still play hand-held video games released before the DS.
If you mean like, GBA and GB games, then Check. use video game lingo in real-life.
I'm not sure which lingo you're refering to, but if it's anything like spouting /b/ memes, then no, it makes you a retard.  Not...sure check? play video games online.
You mean like, multiplayer?  Or do you mean flash games on websites?  Vague check. go to Gamestop every time you go to the store/mall even though you been there the other day.
!@#$ Gamestop.  Uncheck.'d rather stay home and play a really fun video game than go out with friends.
Guilty as charged.  Sometimes Check. try to find as much time as possible to play video games.
Check. prefer to talk to your friend over Xbox Live or PSN than over the phone.
Seeing as I use neither, Uncheck.

..your friend that loves videos games is a little more special than your friend that doesn't.
Like, akward special?  Or maybe you mean he's more special in the head!  "Yeah, I don't know where I was going with this" Check. played video games as an infant.
As an infant, you couldn't even hold a controller.  Unless you mean, like, a toddler, ages 2-4 or so.  Then, Check.  Good ol' NES. enjoy watching MLG over most sports.
Don't even know what that is, buddy. love to watch G4.
It's interesting, but I don't have cable, so alas.  Not to mention I hear it's turned to shit.  Semi-check? feel good that you know a lot about a video game or series.
Sure, why not.  Check. still play and have interest in video games at an old age.
I'm going to college to become a game designer.  What do you think?  Check.

..your forum avatar is related to a video game.
It's related to MY game, Check.'ve played Halo before.
Ew.  Check, but I agree with Lingus.  Hardly a good guideline.

..most of your bookmarks are related to video games.
Actually, just about none of them are.  Uncheck. like watching "Let's Plays" and video game walkthroughs.
I MAKE LPs.  Check check. watch Halo and Call of Duty montages.
No.  Just no.'re good at almost every video game you play.
Not really.  I simultaneously dislike and suck balls at racing games.  Not Check. get excited at a party when someone talks about video games.
Excited?  Not really.  Interested?  Sure.  Less-enthusiastic-Check. don't care which console is best, as long as it's fun.
For !@#$'s sake, this.  Check. are proud you are a gamer.
Checksky. save the video game instruction booklets.
I still have a box full of NES ones.  Check. read the instruction when you sit on the toilet instead of newspaper.
Uh, no. say "sorry" when you accidentally hit or drop your video game.
Okay, now you're starting to freak me out a little, buddy. stayed up all night playing video games before.
ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!  I ADMIT IT!  DRAGON AGE WAS JUST THAT DAMN GOOD...*sob* think about video games when you aren't playing video games.
Kinda a requirement for making games, methinks.  Check. own a video game poster.

..a full day of video games without disturbance is one of the best days ever.
I've done it, probably more than I should have.  Check. refer a refreshing drink as "gaming fuel to recharge your gaming cells."
No.  I'm a gamer, not socially akward.  Uncheck. like it when people watch you play video games.
I make LPs.  It's nice when people watch them, yes.  Check. can't wait to play that new game you just got.

Hm.. can't really think of any more at the moment.
Jake says:
lol, I found God! He was hiding under a big rock this entire time that lil jokster