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Excerise/Weight Loss

Started by Titan, April 22, 2010, 06:18:52 PM

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I'm turning 16 in around 8 days (1st of may) I weigh around 78 kg i don't work in lb's like Americans ahaha. I don't usually intend on counting how much i bench etc but i go to the gym 5 times a day and after Gym i usually do laps and head for the sauna;D. I also do alot of sports like basketball and Aussie Rules Football or for the Aussie people here (footy) ahaha.

Just started a 2D Platformer MMORPG with Killer Loader called " The Endless Night Online"


My primary sport of choice to get me into shape is rock climbing.  When it comes to exercise, my biggest combatant is boredom.  I easily get bored and lose interest/motivation.  With rock climbing, you never get bored.  If you do, just look down!  Plus it's a full body exercise, demanding everything from fingers to toe strength.  I used to go to the gym regularly when I was in the desert, and if I remember correctly, the highest I ever got with a max set was 225lbs.  I haven't gone to the gym in forever now, mostly because I am not trying to put on weight (if anything, I'd like to be "lighter" or rather, "smaller").  I sit steadily around 165lbs at 5'10".

I've done several different routines to get into shape, but honestly, when you want to get into shape, and lose weight, eat less, exercise more.  It's a very simple concept.  There's no magic pill that will get you into shape, and quite frankly, why spend money on weight loss pills when you can just ram a finger down your throat and throw up everything you just ate anyways?  That's free!


Lol scotty.

Some info about me then weigh around 250 and have a height of 5' 8". I'm hoping to drop at least 70-100 pounds with atkins. Oh and I'm 16 years old.

My one rep for bench is probably fairly close to 200. And in track we usally end up running around 1 mile a day or so.(Half a mile to warm up, then half a mile of indian laps for the throwers) So I'm hoping that will help out.

Oh and pwnage I also play football. At our school recievers don't do much because we do little passing.(Which sucks for them)
Livin' in a lonely world.


Oh, I should probably toss in that I'm six foot, 200 pounds. I've got some flab with me, but a lot of muscle too, could go for some weight loss though, that's for sure.


I work out 5 times a week with my buddy. We made up a perfect training plan for ourselves we strictly follow. I've also recently changed my diet.

Made by EpicPhail.
Fight my brute Mr.foGlet. =D


17, 5'11, 230 pounds. I don't exercise, unless you count walking a billion stairs on my way to city college classes every m/w/f. The only reason I'm a bit overweight is just because I'm lazy, and hard to get motivated. I was born and raised vegetarian, so I eat pretty healthy. I've had the same stomach on me, give or take a few pounds, since late elementary school, and it's never really bothered me. I do hope to get off my arse this summer and try to drop 30 pounds or something. 


Quote from: Lucifer on April 23, 2010, 11:24:38 AM
17, 5'11, 230 pounds. I don't exercise, unless you count walking a billion stairs on my way to city college classes every m/w/f. The only reason I'm a bit overweight is just because I'm lazy, and hard to get motivated. I was born and raised vegetarian, so I eat pretty healthy. I've had the same stomach on me, give or take a few pounds, since late elementary school, and it's never really bothered me. I do hope to get off my arse this summer and try to drop 30 pounds or something. 

Most vegetarians are overweight, because your body needs meat. Eating the vegetarian way is never healthy.

Made by EpicPhail.
Fight my brute Mr.foGlet. =D

stick d00d

Im 18 and currently weigh around 215-220 at 6'0''. I haven't exercised a whole lot in the past couple of years but currently I got a job which I have to ride my bike to and from. It takes 20 min to get there on bike, as well as the 20 min to get back home... I am working full-time as well and am constantly on my feet. (I work at Subway). So far I notice I have dropped about 5lbs and have gained stamina when riding my bike etc, and I have only been working for about 2 weeks.

When I last benched back in like 9-10th grade I could easily lift 170-180. I havent benched since then so now it is probably pretty bad haha.

When I was younger I used to play soccer. I played from the time i was in 1st grade up to 8th grade. I also played basketball and 1 year of football. Me and a bunch of friends used to play football every friday after school was out, and I still play basketball sometimes.


I'm 14 years old, I'm about 5'7" Or 5'6", I weigh 115 pounds. and have been working out since December 08. I'm not in the process of losing fat, or unwanted weight, I started working out cause I wanted to tone my abs, and just look nice. My workout dosen't consist of going to the gym, because I wont bench press at my age, because I'm not done growing, and I read that if you benchpress and do all the gym exercises, you can end up ruining your body's growth. Anyway my workout usually consists of Crunches, Sit ups, Push ups, Burpe's, Using Dumbells, And going for an hour jog. <<I do all this 3 times a week, then I have soccer 3 times a week so that helps. I usually work out for about 2 hours a day, and it consists over 250 ish pushups with intervals of 50. 350 crunches intervals of 75, 150 sit ups, intervals of 25, and 100 burpe's intervals of 20. And Usually 200 reps for each arm with 20-30 pound dumbells. From all this work, and I am still consistently doing this routine, I have gotten the look, and build I wanted  ;D



Yea, I'm a bit overweight. I don't excercise though we have a 24 hour fitness center in our apartment complex. I've used it a few times and it makes me self concious. I should probably get over that I guess. I'm pretty steady at 175, around 5'8/9". But, I'm also old. I didn't put on that weight until around 22/23. Before then I was about 135 (extremely skinny). I don't eat poorly, but I don't really try to eat healthy. Whenever my fiance goes on a diet I end up losing weight though...


Well, gymnastics has got to be the best workout I can thing of, being as you use almost every muscle of your body. But you can't really continue gymnastics after highschool unless you're good enough for a college team or maybe teach at a gym. Anyways, I'm 20, 5'7" and 145 lbs. I work out less often than my highschool days since gymnastics was 5 days a week after school for 3 hours... 2 days a week for 2 hours the rest of the year...
As of now, I've taken yoga & snowboarding at my college and I go on walks, go biking and on some rare occasions I rollerblade. I eat slightly more healthy than I used to, as I drink way less pop and eat way less candy. Which is probably why I haven't really gained much weight since my gymnast days.

Also, I hate any guys who struggle to gain weight... >_> I hate you allllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!


I do track and play soccer. My mile run is 5:46, I weigh around 130~135 lbs(I tend not to gain much weight I just bounce around those numbers) and I think I'm 5'8". I don't bench often but I max out at 135 (which I suppose is more like 120 but the bar itself weighs 15lbs.) I like to work on my upper body strength, I can do about 150 chin-ups in a row :P


Quote from: foG on April 23, 2010, 11:45:00 AM
Most vegetarians are overweight, because your body needs meat. Eating the vegetarian way is never healthy.
Out of curiosity, I'd like to know why you believe vegetarians are overweight from lack of meat. From what I've seen in America, the majority of our obese population consume inordinate amounts of animal flesh, and I've yet to see an overweight vegetarian (possibly due to the fact that they're very scarce or I've not been on this Earth long enough).

Anyway, I suppose I'll also throw in the fact that I'm 5' 8" and weigh 127 lbs. I'm hoping I'll do a bit more growing in college, but overall I'm comfortable with my height if I never did any more growing. Also, I'd trade my metabolism for yours any day, DT. I'm tired of being a twig.
If you give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day.
If you light a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Quote from: DarkTrinity on April 23, 2010, 01:53:17 PM

Also, I hate any guys who struggle to gain weight... >_> I hate you allllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!

*Waves furiously*  HAI!

I have the metabolism of a flying squirrel with a meth addiction!!  I gulp down a 6 pack of beer every night and eat whatever I want without gaining a single pound!


Quote from: Trogdor on April 23, 2010, 02:16:30 PM
Quote from: foG on April 23, 2010, 11:45:00 AM
Most vegetarians are overweight, because your body needs meat. Eating the vegetarian way is never healthy.
Out of curiosity, I'd like to know why you believe vegetarians are overweight from lack of meat. From what I've seen in America, the majority of our obese population consume inordinate amounts of animal flesh, and I've yet to see an overweight vegetarian (possibly due to the fact that they're very scarce or I've not been on this Earth long enough).

Anyway, I suppose I'll also throw in the fact that I'm 5' 8" and weigh 127 lbs. I'm hoping I'll do a bit more growing in college, but overall I'm comfortable with my height if I never did any more growing. Also, I'd trade my metabolism for yours any day, DT. I'm tired of being a twig.
Sorry Trog but you can't use that as a counter example to foG's statement. The majority of America's obese population is caused by sweets and carbohydrate addiction, not because of the consumption of "inordinate amounts of animal flesh".